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    Journal of Ellis

    Esoteric Servers
    Esoteric Servers

    Posts : 530
    Join Date : 2011-12-21
    Age : 26
    Location : Some place where it's cold.
    Character Name : Darnell Jackson

    Journal of Ellis Empty Journal of Ellis

    Post by Sinic Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:57 pm

    You know what to do. --->

    (// This is all events that happened in Slidefuse, starting from December 28th, 2010 to the end of Slidefuse, then to Esoteric)

    If you are reading this, then I may of dropped this or I am dead, either way, here is my story, I found this old book on my train from City 7, under the seat, so I just picked it up and whenever I need to, I will write down some quick info on this book. I will be writing this in just a "day format", not really any paragraphs.

    Information On Me:
    My name is Ellis Barder, I'm a guy that lived in a city in Ontario, Canada before the huge war, I have one half-sister (different father) and two half-brothers (different mother), they are all most likely dead, including my mom and dad as well, I am almost seventeen years old as well.

    Day 1 - Departure:
    It seems like I am heading from City 7, to City 8, we have been stopping off at many areas and been actually going over oceans, somehow, from the city of Toronto, the closest memory of my home, to Tokyo, hopefully this ride is worth it, I haven't met many people on this train and it is very tiresome, they rarely feed us, and when they do, its some shitty food in a jar and a can of bad tasting water that makes my head feel weird.

    Day 4 - Arrival:
    I have arrived, seems very electronic-like here for the area in Japan, I am surprised not everyone here is a Japanese resident. I will try and meet some more people, maybe find some answers and the local gossip, Tokyo was a very cool looking place before, now is it even more futuristic, which is a surprise.

    I walked into an apartment with this unknown man and then two CPs rushed in and fucking aimed their guns at our faces and pushed us against the wall, I asked them what the reason was, and they said something like "level something privacy violator", I guess because we didn't own the apartment, man, I thought City 7 was bad with their law, they let us go afterwards, then I wandered about, bought the room, and went to sleep.

    Day 5 - Peers:
    I have met a man named Ben Burane, he wants to start some sort of resistance, but he seems very well I don't know how to put this, he seems like he is full of himself and he is trying to act all "cool" I would say. But I'll stick with him, just hope he doesn't get me into to much trouble, I am still thinking about my liking for him and wondering if it is even worth being with this fucking asshat.

    Day 6 - Turned In:
    The MPF found us in the subways talking, I didn't know anything about restricted zones, contraband, verdicts, etc. But the MPF found us and quickly interrogated us, we lied about anything anyways.

    Day 7 - "Caught":
    Ben wasn't around when this happened, but me and his other two friends were talking about the resistance, the MPF near the rations terminal heard, as I stupidly said it with my loud mouth. We were taken in for detainment, they talked to me asking what it was about, we lied and said we had nothing to do with the resistance, they asked if we knew a man named Ben Burane, we acted like we weren't affiliated with him at all. We still said info about him, as we were done with him, saying who he is and what he looks like. The CP told us we would get a reward of loyalist points and tokens, but then Ben would be probably dead, and I would be hated by his friends or by the resistance, but I can't turn this down, I need to do it, fuck Ben, he is an unorganized asshat.

    Day 8 - The City 8 Resistance:
    Me and Ben, well the late Ben, met this resistance group which hid underground of City 8, both of them have a nickname, Diddy and Taj, Diddy is a good looking chick who seemed to be the leader, as she was the only one with a USP pistol and a resistance uniform. Taj was an Asian man that had a crowbar, and he seemed extremely serious, like, REALLY FUCKING SERIOUS. Anyways, they denied access from me and Ben to join them, they also killed Ben, shot him in the face infront of my fucking eyes! They threaten me, for me to run away, to stay away, I did. I didn't care of Ben's death though, he was a fucking idiot, but he was my first "friend" here.

    Day 9 - The Metropolice Force:
    The MPF has been notified of his death, and I continue to do loyalist work, but from the small resistance group from denying our access, I was angry. I told the MPF of their location and they sent in a squad down there, I was kinda, leading them, telling them information of scouting, but they are horrible at stealth, as their vocoders beep every five fucking seconds and they keep peering out of cover. The rebels weren't down there though, so they gave up and continued on their lives, but I still searched for those traitors, but what if I am the traitor, am I doing anything good at all?

    Day 10 - I Found Them:
    After seeing them several times and calling in the MPF, they always get out of sight before my "army" got down there, then I found them in this carfire in the slums. I called in the MPF, and they detained them, I felt very guilty afterwards, wondering what I done was good? But I got some tokens and respect now, that is what all matters, or freedom. I remember seeing Taj giving me a hateful glare, man, I'm not gonna get a good nights sleep tonight.

    Day 13 - Contraband:
    I found a box in a dumpster, a sheet of paper inside said "Don't drink the water..." it had a bottled water and a flashlight. I was unaware of contraband at that time, and later on, I accidently turned on the flashlight infront of an MPF because my finger accidental pressed the button, I got sent in for detainment and hell, the scary part was, I heard Diddy screaming in the other cell, she was being tortured, because of me, I screamed to get out, the pain was too much. I was in there for thirty minutes for just a fucking flashlight, a FUCKING FLASHLIGHT, I think the unit forgot about me and just never came back, fucking dicks, some of these CPs are just freaking idiots.

    Day 17 - Moving to City 18:
    As of a long day of multiple events going on, we had to depart to City 18, it was in the Ukraine I think, either way, I hope I can get used to this place, this is my third relocation in one year, and I can't get used to it, but the trip won't be as long.

    Day 18 - Arrival, for the Second Time:
    It seemed a bit less modern here, a bit more vintage quality. Anyways I seem like I can meet a few people and help out, either for the CPs or maybe the resistance.

    Day 30 - The Resistance:
    It has been a long time since I written anything, nothing really happened here, but I found the resistance, a man here named Danny, who was the leader of it, my friends as well, Bishop and John,are here. The weird thing is, I am writing in pain because a few minutes ago Danny just choked me against the wall and told me to not screw up his resistance, he seemingly only does this to me, he was very strong I can see that, must of been very nourished.

    Day 35 - Detainment w/ the Escape:
    We were found, all of us, Danny, Stella, his girlfriend I think she is, and other multiple people, we all got sent to detainment and I feel like I am going to be screwed, but the others are in more trouble than I am, Danny has a resistance uniform and the others have radios and possibly other contraband. Then well, thank God this happened, a man was in the Nexus Cell Area, while I was being choked by Danny and kicked in the shin multiple times for some reason, a man tries to open the door and break it open with a crowbar, then all of the sudden, he breached the door, and we all escaped! It was a fucking miracle! I shouldn't of worried, but that was my first ever "really-dangerous" detainment that could of risked my life.

    Day 40 - Danny:
    I later found out that Danny was injuring me because he cares about me and wants me to toughen up when some day I get detained and tortured, I literally almost cried that day, hell, manly tears. Bishop gave me a metaphor of a guitar, and how you build up resistance to the strings in your fingers throughout months of playing, through means of callosity, which really did relate to what Danny did, but I never knew Danny actually cared about me this much, what was so special about me?

    Day 57 - Medic:
    I have became the teams medic, it seems like a good job for me, but it means I will get in more trouble, I also received a medical uniform for the resistance. And a crowbar as well. I knew a bit about medical procedures, no big deal, just hope I don't need to do anything like surgery. I'm not the best at this, I'm more of an engineering guy, electronics and such, but no one else was up for the job.

    Day 59 - Notch:
    A man nicknamed Notch is starting a bigger resistance, in the XCCR warehouse he made a meeting, and about fifteen people are here, but the MPF know our location, they are here, shooting down into the warehouse, I am staying in the back, healing any injured, before this, their was a few zombies as well outside... this is weird, one second n~~eed to heal people~~~.

    We are done with it, we held them off, this is the problem of having a meeting with fifteen citizens, out of fifteen guys, one of them will probably want to have some loyalist points and some tokens, and will run off and report us. It was funny though, one of them appraised my uniform and called me "sir", Danny laughed as my ass was being called "sir", I chuckled as well, and I thought about it for a while, am I up for the position to be a higher-up?

    Day 60 - Danny's Objection:
    Danny doesn't want to join Notch's resistance, he said that he would be useless, saying he is only fit for leadership, God damn it I hear gunfire over the radio from where he is, what the fuck, is he committing suicide? I need to check on what is going on.

    I went to where the gunshot was coming from, in the waterworks, I couldn't see any blood, or his body, or just him in general, nothing was there, Jesus, I wonder what he got himself into.

    Day 61 - Death of my "Friend":
    Taj, the Asian man from City 8, is in this resistance as well, he lived, and he is not as angry at me as I expected, he gave me a huge lecture and an intimidating look, his full name without the surname is Tajiri. Anyway, he died today, because of this loyalist who reported him to the Combine, then me and Stella got this loyalist on our tail as well, we are probably recorded down, I said to Stella "I am going to be next."
    All I know is, Danny is alive.

    Day 68 - Paranoia I'M NEXT:
    I am just walking down the slightly empty slums, a bit paranoid, wondering when it is going to end, kinda just taking breaks while I write just to give my self a chance, oshit i just heard a vocoder, fuck~~!
    (** Blood smeared on the sheet. ** )

    Day 93 - Revival?:
    I... found my journal again, I see my own blood, but I have a case of amnesia... I don't remember anybody as well... I think, as of other people said, I got sent to the outer-lands, I was helped out by Vortigaunts, they seemingly knew the others, and they knew me, they couldn't get me out of the city though, they had to leave me, sadly, damn.

    Day 97 - What did happen to me on Day 68?
    Alright, I feel a bit rested, but I still remember slightly on what happened, I was put up against the wall by this elite CP, which was the elite that always fucked with me back in City 8 when he was just a normal ranked unit, embarrassing, and his partner, I stood there, like an idiot, didn't use my flashbang, or anything, I was too much of a pacifist, I guess I accepted death. I was taken to the middle of the plaza, on the big pillar or whatever it was attached to the catwalks for a public execution, blah blah blah the elite unit said the shit, I saw Stella in the distance, she saw me, and she took out her pistol, the Glock she used to kill two units alone, she must be a good shot, but, as soon as she looked determined to fire, I heard something loud for less than a second then I just went dark, falling towards the ground, it probably wasn't a headshot, when I hit the ground my fucking legs, Jesus I don't even want to remember the pain, then everything went black. I guess the blood got on that page because I had it open when I was up for execution.

    It's just humiliating because that elite unit fucking bothered me around back in City 8 when he was like... a normal unit, the rules in City 8 were much stricter than City 7 so I weren't used to them, I ran around, got held up against the wall, beaten till my head felt like shit, then it happened again, in City 7 they would give us more chances, God damn this Japanese fanatic place... of tra- ugh whatever. I'm too much of a pacifist, I didn't choose to set off my flashbang, I just accepted my death, honestly, I would expect CPs to give you more of a fight, not just pin you against the wall like a fuckin pussy and tie you up, God damn asshats.

    I still can't remember much from my past though, not too much atleast, maybe some sleep will help? I don't know.

    Day 98 - Stella
    Today I just found Stella in the hospital, I was sitting there, since well, I was alone for five or so days, I was so glad to see her, but, she told me about everyone, saying that Danny's resistance literally just died off, saying that Danny is in great trouble, she doesn't know if he is alive or anything. Danny, I missed him a lot, he was the best leader I ever seen, the fact on how he respected me since he first met me, the way he spoke to me compared to others. Either way, despite Danny being missing, everyone else is dead, I am glad that Stella was alive though, she almost saved me when I was shot, atleast she tried.
    Should I even resist anymore? Is it even worth it?

    I'm gonna have a bad day to sleep tonight, but since my record is pretty much cleaned out, I can rest in the apartments like when I first started out, but I am still hungry, in the morning I'll get some rations.

    Day 110 - Choice, Choices, Choices
    Alot of shit has happened, just, I keep hearing Danny's voice in my head, damn it, I can't take this, this must mean something!! It must! I have changed from a loyalist to a resistance member too many times, I need to make my choice God damn it! I need to make a God damn fuckin' difference, I can't be trusted with any job!

    [// All of this are IC, none of this happened in actual roleplay.]

    Day 127 - City 11 Transaction
    Seems like I, with one of the very few, to have been selected to go to City 11, I couldn't find Stella to say goodbye or anything, or anyone, so this is just gonna be like my time on the train to City 8 from City 7, hopefully I can get somewhere with my life.

    Day 129 - Hello City 11
    Now I am here at City 11, meh, very dark, and it isn't as big, but the citadel is huge, I even see a few spotlights on it, damn, but it must not be as protected, seeing how small this area is and the lack of CPs walking about.

    Day 130 - Escape Tunnel?
    I found some weird and ungaurded tunnel, I saw a few unarmed refugees try and go in there, they must of made it to the sewage area, or whatever is outside of this city, I'll follow along then later, I need to find someone to help me out.

    Day 133 - Oh look, more rebels, how great.
    Some guy is leading all of these unarmed peopled to "freedom", I'm watching my back though, from past experience, I know what may happen, there are lots of traitors in this world, but who's talking, maybe I am, or was, that traitor?

    We are going through the tunnel, and we found the dead bodies, they looked like the people that ran into here on Day 130, I don't trust this... there is bullet holes in them....~.

    I hear noises... very beep boop-ish... is that the CPs or is that some kinda of electrical machine like the ones in City 8?

    vocoders, i know that sound shit!!

    Well, has been about fourty-five minutes since I made that illiterate post, yes, there was CPs, waiting, and the armed resistance member was actually in fact a loyalist undercover and was probably payed tokens for his work, I can't trust anyone, you know? Either way, I made it forward, as some of the refugees were in fact, armed, ranging from just metal pipes to one of them with a USP that was concealed, they obviously wont shoot the unarmed guy, either way, I am in the canals, and this is great, almost morning though, need some fuckin' sleep. I can't believe that just happened though, something told me that my bad luck would of got me shot, because I feel like I am a magnet that has bullets attracted to me, hehe.

    I just woke up, still night time, I think... the clouds are heavy here... I am gonna walk towards this abandoned train cart here, it seems like someone has been here before, kinda cozy actually.

    [// Everything is now recorded on what actually happened during roleplay.]

    Day 134 - Far, but close.
    That was the worst sleeping night/morning of my life, the sound of the alarms kept waking me up, either way, I see a few people, but they are heading towards some outpost, it is still dark here though, like it is always night time, I can see the glimpse of the sun behind the clouds. I heard some gunshots, but no screams, or CP voices, or anything, probably people shooting at barnacles or zombies or shit.

    I just saw a huge group of people running towards the CP outpost, what are these idiots thinking?

    I see the group of people going on a train, holy fuck! I need to catch up!~~~~~___

    (** Dirt is seen on this page **)

    Well, I'm on the train, some unit is driving it, is this a relocation? The fuck, why is he driving people with guns and uniforms?

    Figures out he is a rogue unit after asking around, some guy with some fancy old suit forced him to help us, hopefully the CP isn't planning something.

    Day 135 - All aboard?
    We are not even there yet, we have taken lots of stops for some reason.

    Now we are here, haha, how weird, I said that like two minutes before we arrived at the departure station, we are now on foot, heading towards the exit towards an even further area from the city, gotta catch up 1 sec.

    I am really confused, I don't know where everyone went, god damn it I gotta stop writing when others are moving, probably the reason I got shot in the head, haha. I will just, well, stay here for now in this dark tunnel, a couch is here, even some wooden pallets with a cardboard bed, I see two boots here, they have... let me check this out.

    God fucking damn they have blood on the inside of them... somethin isn't safe here I swear.

    I'll try to get to sleep, I threw the boots across the room cause they reminded me of death, it's obvious, who wouldn't throw them away? It's fucking creepy sleeping beside ruined and blood-filled footwear.

    Day 140 - Alone
    Alone, again, I haven't seen a single person walk by, and I'm not even sure if it is safe out here, at the arrival, it seems like everyone ran around, screaming to find supplies, fucking idiots, leave it for the others, I still have some food supplies from City 18 and 11, I don't think they expire quickly, do they even expire though? I don't even know, they probably don't even taste different, but the waters are still shit, but I prefer that over canal water. I have been mainly sleeping, just, the sounds of groans, I hear that a lot, better not be zombies here, I would hate to be taken over by those fucks!

    I'm trying to sleep again, I hear groans, and screams... but they sound like they are coming from my head...

    Now I hear Danny's voice, God damn this fuckin what the hell!!!

    Day 142 - Hey, look, the crew.
    I found them, and they look like they are planning something to escape from this canals, man, they all look like shit, but look who's talking, I look like total shit as well, hehe. They gave me some REAL food and water, tasted delicious, but not as good as it was before the invasion.

    My feet are fucking soaked, I'm sitting here by the barrel fire, I placed my soaked shoes and socks by the fire, damn, it is working well, and my feet feel better by the minute.

    I meet a few people, I meet Hudson, Aleks and Michael, Hudson is the medic, kinda like my role back in City 18, he looks determined, and he said he is helping us out of the canals, Aleks, well, he's actually very friendly, he joked around with me while I was sitting at the fire, I chuckled because he looked really stupid, but meh, I do the same sometimes, but we need to act serious, Michael, he is butthurt, that is all I need to say, he seemed bothered by the fact me and Aleks were just cheering eachother up and socializing, well, acting like complete fools, but whatever.

    Day 145 - More people.
    I found my friend Kameron from City 18, man, so glad to find him here, and a huge coincidence, and also met some other people as well, including George, apparently George is the leader or something, despite Hudson said he has been assigned to get everyone out, I'm confused, but I prefer Hudson's company as well, George just creeps my ass out and I don't like his way of thinking, saying to run towards a base guns blazing and leaving a sacrifice or some shit.

    Me and Kameron started to hang out for a bit, I knew him from before the war as well from highschool, it was a nostalgic day, even he agreed that George is a lunatic.

    Day 146 - Argue All Ya Want
    Hey, well, I got a maglite, works fine, and the batteries last a long time, got it from some old man who was a trader, had a funny name, whilst this happened, everyone was arguing on their plan and such. I didn't really talk much, but whatever.

    They are done with their huge argument and debate, the old man named Mich, some silly old guy, was talking to George, supporting Hudson's idea to get out of the canals with a more thoughtful plan, I agree, because from my luck in the past, I would probably be chosen as George's little sacrifice.

    It is night time, I am gonna head to sleep, I'm not gonna be in the mood for writing for a long time, just so you all know. hehe

    Last edited by Sinic on Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:20 am; edited 16 times in total
    Esoteric Servers
    Esoteric Servers

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    Age : 26
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    Character Name : Hudson Cortez

    Journal of Ellis Empty Re: Journal of Ellis

    Post by xDaStallionx Wed Jan 04, 2012 3:41 pm

    This is a great journal, perhaps you could try Darnell next time. He would make reading it a bit more interesting :megusta:
    John Jordan
    John Jordan

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    Journal of Ellis Empty Re: Journal of Ellis

    Post by John Jordan Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:36 pm

    Esoteric Servers
    Esoteric Servers

    Posts : 530
    Join Date : 2011-12-21
    Age : 26
    Location : Some place where it's cold.
    Character Name : Darnell Jackson

    Journal of Ellis Empty Re: Journal of Ellis

    Post by Sinic Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:41 am

    xDaStallionx wrote:This is a great journal, perhaps you could try Darnell next time. He would make reading it a bit more interesting :megusta:
    Well I would atleast need a straight-on, good roleplaying-experience with him actually, so I could work on that when Esoteric comes up, because this journal here is my entire experience in Slidefuse, reading this just gives me a sense of nostalgia, because Slidefuse was my first ever HL2RP server and my favourite.
    I also wrote this in February 2011, but just modified it a bit so it had more information and spell checked it.
    Trollface nigga i shot ur back
    John Jordan
    John Jordan

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    Age : 28
    Character Name : Allan Williams

    Journal of Ellis Empty Re: Journal of Ellis

    Post by John Jordan Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:57 am

    If Darnell comes back I will personally bring the apocalypse to your front door and I will put Jesus' head on a stake. ohfuck
    Esoteric Servers
    Esoteric Servers

    Posts : 530
    Join Date : 2011-12-21
    Age : 26
    Location : Some place where it's cold.
    Character Name : Darnell Jackson

    Journal of Ellis Empty Re: Journal of Ellis

    Post by Sinic Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:42 pm

    John Jordan wrote:If Darnell comes back I will personally bring the apocalypse to your front door and I will put Jesus' head on a stake. ohfuck
    He is back. Trollface

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