Overwatch Transhuman Arm Application Format
Entirely Out-Of-Character Information
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
First Name:
Requested Unit Digits (5):
How long have you been roleplaying?
How long have you been roleplaying in serious OpenAura servers?
How long have you been roleplaying in serious HL2RP servers?
Do you have any past experience roleplaying as an Overwatch unit?
If so, what were your ranks in those servers for Overwatch?
Do you have any past experience roleplaying as a Civil Protection unit?
If so, what were your ranks in those servers for Civil Protection?
Why do you want to join the Overwatch Transhuman Arm?
Do you have any skills or knowledge that could relatively assist the Overwatch Transhuman Arm (lifeguard/medical training, firearms knowledge, etc.)?
What are your character's personality traits? (Personality and mentality.)
What type of armed force was your character affiliated with before and during the 7 Hour War? (police force, military, airforce, etc.)
Write a background story (app. 4+ paragraphs) of your character's life, and how they were captured in the 7 Hour War to become transhumanized:
Provide an example of passive roleplay as an Overwatch unit (app. 2+ paragraphs or 20 lines):
Provide an example of action roleplay as an Overwatch unit (app. 3+ paragraphs or 30 lines):
Character Information (during 7 Hour War, also OOC)
Affiliated Police Force:
Affiliated Army:
Commonly Issued Primary Firearm:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguishing Marks:
Yes or No? (Still OOC)
Please mark one with a ✔
Are you currently a member of the Metropolice Force?
Yes __ No __
If so, what rank are you?
Please mark one with a ✔
Are you currently a member of the Civil Workers’ Union?
Yes __ No __
If so, what do you do for the CWU?
Do you promise that you will not minge or troll at all or cause any disruption for both the roleplay and the community?
Do you promise that you will roleplay as realistically as you can? Overwatch units are supposed to almost all identical in personality and in verbal skill levels.