estrik ripley

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no longer rp

    Civil Administrator Application Format [UNFINISHED]

    Esoteric Servers
    Esoteric Servers

    Posts : 530
    Join Date : 2011-12-21
    Age : 26
    Location : Some place where it's cold.
    Character Name : Darnell Jackson

    Civil Administrator Application Format [UNFINISHED] Empty Civil Administrator Application Format [UNFINISHED]

    Post by Sinic Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:48 am

    City 11 Civil Administration Application Format

    <:: REQUIRED PREREQUISITE ::> - Civil Worker's Union rank: Department Head

    Out-Of-Character Information

    Steam Name:

    Steam ID:


    First Name:


    How long have you been roleplaying?

    How long have you been roleplaying in serious OpenAura servers?

    How long have you been roleplaying in serious HL2RP servers?

    Have you ever been a CA in any serious HL2RP server(s) before? If so, which server(s)?

    Have you ever obtained a leadership role in any serious roleplay server(s) before? If so, what gamemode and which server(s)?

    Do you think you are good at speaking and writing English speeches?

    Write a background story (app. 4 paragraphs) of your character's life and their career in the Civil Worker's Union.

    In-Character Information

    Full Name:

    Civil Identification Digits:

    CWU Department:

    CWU Department Rank:






    Distinguishing Marks:

    Detainment History:

    Why do you want to become a civil administrator of City 11?

    How long have you been affiliated with the Civil Worker's Union?

    How many cities have you volunteered for the Civil Worker's Union?

    What positive and negative aspects have you done for the Civil Worker's Union?

    What will you do for the Universal Union with your position as the civil administrator of City 11?

    What will you do for City 11 with your position as the civil administrator?

    Do you think you will require an assistant (CAA) for your role as civil administrator?

    Do you promise that you will fulfill your role and not take defective control of the city?

    Do you understand that you will still be watched over by the Universal Union when you are fulfilling your civil administration role?

    Please write an example of a speech (approximately 1-2 paragraphs) you would recognize to City 11, the topic can varies.

    What was your speech exactly proving and what did it mean?

    Do you consider using this speech when you are accepted as the civil administrator?

    Do you think you will relocate your career to different Union-controlled cities in the future?

    Do you understand that you have access to manipulating the Metropolice Force and the Overwatch Transhuman Arm, but you cannot abuse them to do everything you require?

    What title have you obtained/kept in the past and that you have currently?
    a) Mr.
    b) Mrs.
    c) Ms.
    d) Dr.
    e) Prof.
    f) Other: ________

    Signature: ___________________

    [WARNING: Falsification of ANY Official Union Documentation will result in PERMANENT OFFWORLD-RELOCATION!]

      Current date/time is Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:42 pm